Acupuncture can be an effective treatment to relieve neck and shoulder pain and over the years many patients have visited AcuHealth Therapies seeking pain relief in those areas of the body.
Neck and shoulder pain can affect a diverse range of Australians, from young athletes who may be managing a sports injury, teachers and office workers, or older patients who are dealing with structural issues in the spine and shoulder joints.
Acupuncture has been known to help release tension in the neck and shoulders and reduce pain.
At AcuHealth Therapies Dr Sharlane has over 15 years experience treating neck and shoulder pain. Before finalising a treatment approach, Dr Sharlane will discuss your symptoms and health history and she will then tailor an acupuncture therapy plan that may also include Cupping Therapy and massage.
For acupuncture treatments approximately 10-15 needles will be inserted into specific points of the body in accordance with where pain is being felt. The needles will stay in place for 20-30 minutes.
Acupuncture may provide pain relief and reduction in muscle tension- and some patients report an improvement after the first treatment. However some neck and shoulder pain can be quite persistent so a longer term treatment plan may be required.
In today’s modern society neck and shoulder pain has unfortunately become more commonplace.. With many people working long hours in office environments, the body can experience a build up of stress, tension and pain.
Neck and shoulder pain can also be caused by lifestyle factors such as::
It can also be caused by more serious issues such as:
A 2015 study “provides data on the potential role of acupuncture in the treatment of shoulder pain. Acupuncture is beneficial and effective for relieving pain and improving shoulder function. It must be used precociously to have better response. It can be a good alternative, especially, for patients developing adverse effects related to drugs.”
Acupuncture can also be effective for chronic shoulder pain according to research from 2008.
Acupuncture is a natural and holistic way to treat and release stubborn muscle tension. It can provide pain relief and be implemented as a long-term treatment plan for patients with chronic pain.
To find out more about Acupuncture for Neck & Shoulder pain call us at the clinic on: