Acupuncture for Stress & Anxiety Melbourne

Stress and anxiety are the body’s natural responses to what it perceives as a danger or threat and are a normal part of everyday life. Stress is generally short term and emerges when a threat is recognised. Anxiety can take hold over a longer term and the cause may be indeterminable or not related to a specific issue.

For some people stress and anxiety can become overwhelming and this can have a significant negative impact on mental health and day to day life. With the fast pace and complexity of modern life, stress is often unavoidable but we can take steps to ensure our bodies and minds are best prepared to handle stress and deal with it as effectively as possible.

If you are experiencing stress, anxiety or depression we recommend that you discuss this with your GP and utilise Chinese medicine as a complementary treatment.

Is Acupuncture beneficial for stress, anxiety and improving mental health?

At AcuHealth Therapies we are here to support your mental health and well-being by offering a holistic approach to relieving stress and anxiety. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine therapies can be used to help regulate the body’s stress response, promote relaxation and restore balance.

After an initial consultation to discuss your specific situation and medical history, Dr Sharlane will tailor a treatment that may include a combination of acupuncture and Chinese herbs.

Dr Sharlane will focus on addressing the underlying causes for stress and anxiety. It may be a musculoskeletal condition that is causing stress and anxiety or it may be brought upon by other life factors.

What are the benefits of acupuncture for mental health?

Studies suggest that acupuncture may help boost mood, relieve stress and improve mental health by:

To find out more about Acupuncture for Stress & Anxiety call us at the clinic on 0403 524 893

Acupuncture for Stress & Anxiety